Annie Hamman
I am an artist and art teacher, based in South Africa. I create mixed-media story art, mainly in acrylics. It has surreal elements, a story, symbolism and spiritual message of healing and hope.
Art Teacher
Teaching art for 10 years, online and in-person internationally. Last workshops was in NJ, USA in July-Aug 2023. Please send inquiry/ invitation for a possibility to teach in your country. See my existing self-study online Workshops here.
Akashic Records Reader
I channel through your soul’s origin, soul purpose and it’s journey through time, past lives and answers to today’s challenges and questions. Please see more on Akashic Readings page.
Commissioned soul portraits
Painting of you in one of your brightest past lives, based on your Akashic Records Reading. More info here.
Sacred Tools Maker
Painting on your shamanic drum (your requested animals or I can channel who they are), personal shamanic rattle for protection or for singing, smudge wand with found bird wing or feathers, unique medicine bags, medicine prayer sticks, medicine shields. More details on Sacred Tools page.
Shamanic Practitioner & Medicine Work
Completing my training in March 2022, in Okanogan/ Cherokee Native American lineage. I also explore elements of Mongolian/ Siberian shamanism in my work. I can do drum journeys and soul retrievals. Qualified Sweat Lodge Pourer and Sacred Pipe Carrier. Beginning to work in Medicine Ceremonies with plants. Planning my journey to Peru, Amazonian forest 1-14 November 2023 for further initiation.
About me as an Artist and art teacher
I see art making as a magical, hardly explainable process. I however able to teach art comprehensively and with ease. I am in my element when I convey step by step creative process. I paint mostly in acrylics, but over the years have taught classes in virtually any media, including mixed-media art. I am comfortable with both muted and vibrant color palette, realistic or expressive art. I characterize my creative style as symbolic soulful story art, with elements of surrealism and whimsy. Human faces are my passion. I rarely complete an artwork without human face in it. Having said that, I rarely paint straightforward faces, I always add symbols and elements to them to convey a story for the viewer to discover. I often feel that art comes as if through me, it lives through me, it evolves in the process even if planning was involved. During my creative process, symbols, words and names of the artworks appear on their own and unintentionally. Usually end result reveals story to me as surprisingly as for the viewer. Art is magic and mystery, art is everything, art is a part of us all.
Here you can read some testimonies on my work as online art teacher:
Spiritual Journey of BEComing
Although my spiritual journey have started with arts, it then progressed to long term raw vegan fasts and fruit juice fasts, where I experienced cleansing on physical and emotional levels, allowing me to connect stronger to the Divine.
After that I went on to numerous Plant Medicine journeys over a period of 3 years, 15+ overnight Ayhuasca journeys, many full day San Pedro journeys, several high dose Psilocybin and overnight Iboga plant medicine journeys as well. In between these I had extensive microdosing periods with mainly San Pedro and Iboga. Main focus of these were healing of emotional and energetic body structures, clearing childhood and lifelong conditioning and ancestral patterns, facing my shadows. Working with plant medicines was revolutionary for me in this lifetime and brought immense healing and spiritual maturity into my life. I have engaged with other modalities like Family Constellations and Breathwork, which was very helpful as well. But plant medicines were the key to an absolute cleansing and transformation.
In my very 1st ever plant ceremony in 2019 (it was Ayahuasca) I realized that I am clairaudient, clairsentient and clairvoyant. I can clearly see, hear and perceive spirits of any kind (plant, animals and nature spirits, Angels, ancestors, spirit guides, etc.). I can speak to plant spirits and other spirits throughout these plant journeys and in every day life while not on any plants. After that first journey I realized that I could easily do it without plant medicines, the spirit world have been open for me to access since birth, I was just not consciously aware of it and was blocking my gift. It turned out I could easily enter Akashic realm, communicate with Record Keepers and spirits there and retrieve information for people about their soul’s origins and soul’s journey through time. I have started practicing that, and now 3 years later I have read many records for people. I have also done many oracle card and tarot reading sessions to help with current issues that people came to me to resolve.
After my first Iboga plant medicine journey 2,5 years ago I became a follower of modern zen buddhism teacher Adyashanti, I listened to hundreds of his lectures on Youtube and applied his teachings in my daily life. I still cannot fully explain how central African plant medicine Iboga is connected to buddhism, but I call it a Zen plant. Microdosing it have brought me into the present moment, and this is a power of this specific plant medicine.
The journey I went on have inevitably spiritually impacted on a subject matter of my art, I started painting more spirit filled, shamanic themed story art, power animals and medicine women. I have painted on many drums for shamanic practitioners, and created sacred tools for myself and others: medicine bags, smudge wands with bird wings that I picked up on my path, sacred protector rattles or singing rattles, goddess and protective sculptures with air drying clay, medicine bags and prayer sticks, and medicine shields.
What is my core belief system? I believe in the Spirit of Life that is All, permeates All and resides in All. That each and every one of us - this same Spirit of Life, looking at each other as in multitudes of mirrors. I believe that Spirit of Life is living through us, using our physical body to experience sensation of life: birth, death and everything in between. I believe that you can tap into the essence of who You Are and the world through the Maker’s perspective, with all it’s complexity and simplicity. You can also tap into and understand the nature and structure of the Universe, as well as it’s purpose and what everything actually is. How it exist in everything and in potentiality at the same time. I don’t have my beliefs because someone told me so and I loved how it sounds. I have lived it and experienced it. I am living it and experiencing it. I am not enlightened. I have had glimpses of enlightenment and understand it’s nature. I am able to tap in and out of it, live consciously and unconsciously. The conscious living stages get longer as years go by. I used to think that life was hard, until I discovered that it was easier than I thought. Many issues towards life and myself have left me.
Initially on this journey I remembered quite a number of my past lives in detail, but have not known about by own soul origins for sometime, my doubting mind was preventing me from asking in the Akashic Realm. One of the known Akashic Readers told me that the first world I inhabited was water world as a mermaid, eons ago, and that that world did not exist anymore. It didn’t resonate or ringed a bell, perhaps due to how long ago it was and the fact that the planet was no more. (I have no reason to doubt expertise of that highly regarded Akashic Reader.) A year later I consulted another powerful Reader who had numerous positive testimonials, and she told me that I am from one of the Angelic Realms. She told me that after leaving Angelic Realm, my soul went on to incarnate in water world, and then several other planets and systems, none of which became my permanent home, until Earth. Once I received that information I was able to access my most distant Records and re-remember many things about my origins. I have lived on Earth since Lemuria and Atlantis, and numerous lives since then, I have become true Earthean and my Angelic or other planetary roots didn’t matter anymore. Even today I don’t consider myself a “Starseed”, although many Starseeds come to me for a reading and I help them to discover their origins. I have discovered through readings for other people, that many people initially not told that they are Angelic or even Starseeds, simply because they are not ready to hear it. Each reading you do reveals more and more about your soul origin. I found all this information about myself quite interesting initially, but eventually my soul origin or connections to stars or other realms seized to be of importance. I attribute it to the fact that Akashic soul journey remembrance is more important in your initial stages of Awakening, helping you to realize the bigger picture of the existence of You. As you progress further on the path, your perception shifts and bigger picture makes more sense than the complex details of it. Not to mention, that every new identity you take on becomes more and more acutely experienced by you as just that - another identity, to help you live your life with more meaning and more peace.
I the last 2 years I have also been on the extensive Shamanic Practitioner course with Michelle Reid and a group of 10 devoted souls, all with the soul’s calling of being Healers on this planet. We study in the Okanogan/ Cherokee Native American lineage. I have initially had major resistance to my primary soul’s calling as a Healer, but came in terms with it as a result of this journey. I am qualified as Lodge Pourer (Quil Sten), and initiated as Pipe Carrier. I am also in the process of learning bone throwing divination, and became confident in Drum Journeys and Soul Retrievals. I have learned proper ritual and ceremonial work. For me this is a process of ultimately becoming a Medicine Woman, working towards serving plant medicines in ceremonial work and being able to sing medicine songs and play various instruments, for the healing of others. This is still a journey of unfolding, although I have come a long way in a short period of time. Many of these teachings were more of a remembrance than learning from scratch. Many times during these learning experiences I found myself realizing I have done this before in my past lives. These practices came easy to me, and the only way I can explain it is that I knew them already.
On this course I have received my first medicine name from my teacher for a 7 year cycle: Ancient Earth Raven Whisperer. After this initiation, crows and ravens have come on my path, I have picked up many of these birds, who passed away and were left on my path as gifts from element of Air. I have also picked up many owls, Egyptian geese, black ibis, seagull and few guinea fouls. I have stumbled upon bodies of several seals as well. One of them was used to make a large Medicine Shield in my studio. As a result I have many wings and feathers to make sacred shamanic practitioner tools for myself and others, ethically sourced. (No animals intentionally harmed, all found.)
In between I have reluctantly and with a lot of fear tapped into the nature of witchcraft, what it really is, what it means to be a “witch”, connected to a large “Witches of South Africa” community on FB to dismantle old and stagnant conditioning in my mind on who witches are, what they really do, what power do they have, and is it really bad to do what is called by religion “witchcraft”. I have remembered several of my lives being persecuted and killed by superstitious crowds accusing me of being a witch. I have discovered that witches are essentially women and men of knowledge, knowledge on plants, knowledge on healing others by natural means, knowledge on how to gather and unite forces of 4 elements and nature to manifest something positive and abundant in ones life. I did not find anything harmful or attractively dark or sinister to engage with in witchcraft or ritual work. I do not harm others by any means and never have slightest intention in doing so. Not even out of spite, anger or retribution. I understand the laws of “karma”, of what goes around comes around, of what sow you shall reap, and of not doing to others what you don’t want others to do to you. I also understand that Life gets everyone for everything, not because it would punish an evil did, but simply as cause and effect. And that to attract Light you should manifest/emanate Light. This discovery is everyone’s individual journey, every one of us sooner or later would have to face with the conditioning and stigma associated with the word “witch” and work through your shadows onto the light and knowledge on the matter.
On this journey I was faced with and have done extensive shadow work, deliberately, to dismantle any false ideas, to confront every bit of childhood conditioning, and to face with stagnant destructive energies down to DNA level. I have faced them, talked to them, walked with them, ran with them. I sat in them, dwelled in them, I swam in them, I wallowed in them like in a mud. I have seen them through. Spirits of anger, pain, despair, fear, loneliness, sadness, there was especially so much sadness to go through. We have seen each other, understood each other, freed each other, and we made piece. This perhaps, was my most heroic work on this journey, and the first 2 years of this work was absolutely terrifying to me. All I can say now is monsters are not as big as we imagine them to be. And none of them have, had or will have any real power over you and your Light. Illusionary - yes, real - no.
Few straightforward facts:
I am 44 years old. I was born in Kazakhstan, former USSR, Western Siberia, in the land of +40 C in summer and -40 C in winter. I am Russian speaking, from family of professional musicians. My parents past away long ago. I relocated to South Africa at the age of 21. I live in Hermanus, South Africa, beautiful coastal town and international tourist whale watching destination, 2 hours drive from Cape Town. I am married to FC Hamman, filmmaker, and we are raising 10 year old daughter Tallulah. I have my own studio, where I play creatively with fine arts, small sculptures and sacred crafts. I have 2 dogs (Afrikanis rescue Rock and husky Crystal) and 5 cats - I am a cat person (Salvador Dali, Lady Gray, Pixie, Jaguar and Pandora). I love yoga, genealogy and gardening among other things. I am vegetarian, fluctuating back and forth to raw vegan, depending on state of my health at the moment. I used to have fibromyalgia for 10 years, but recovered on raw detox and diet by system of Dr Morse.
Tallulah Jade Rainbow Hamman, 2021