Akashic Records Reading
“Weaving life”, 14”x18” acrylics on paper
What is Akashic Records?
Provided one believes in reincarnation, it’s a recording of your Soul’s Journey through Time, your soul’s origins - where it was created, what star systems it lived on, how old your soul is, how many lives you have had on Earth, which places on Earth your incarnated in.
Akashic Records are believed to be the recorded library in the Upper Realms, of every thought, word, and deed of every living being, in all times: past, present and future. There is no judgment or implied penalty in the records — they are simply a record of each soul’s journey through the infinite.
Tibetan monks believe the records could be found in the “akasha” - the Sanskrit word for “astral light”, or the ether element. This fifth element of space is considered the structural fabric of reality from which all other elements emerge - our 3D reality on Earth. Akashic Records is simply another Spirit Realm of higher dimension, a cosmic library of sorts, library of lives of human souls.
(To read few testimonies of people who have received their Records, please scroll to the bottom of the page.)
What does it cost to have a reading done by you?
I ask $125 as a fair energy exchange. Generally it is sent to you in about 15 days of purchase, sometimes I have a full schedule and in that case I will let you know a date.
If you are ready to order Akashic Records Reading, please send a payment via below link and email me to annalanie@yahoo.com following:
Your photo.
Your full name as it appears in your official documents today.
1-3 questions for the Record Keepers (optional, if no questions given you will still receive full general reading). It’s better to provide more information/ context to your questions, rather than less. For example a client asked: “In which direction to take my business?” It turned out the client had 2 jobs but was only asking about one of them. Record Keepers answered about her art career, while she was asking about her job as a counselor. Understand that I am not All Knowing about what exactly you are inquiring about. :)
If your questions mention other people (living or deceased), I will need their full names and photos as well, and your relation to the person, e.g. mother, ex, friend etc.
To make payment of $125 for a Reading, please select option below:
Additional information
Who appears in the Akashic Realm?
Main Record Keeper is always present, to read your records and give information in the form of visuals or by speaking to the Reader/ Oracle who is inquiring.
Depending on whom the reading is done, Angels may be present, Star Beings from other Systems, Ascended Masters, Ancestors or diseased close friends, basically anyone who wishes to pass on the message.
What is the purpose of the Reading, or going into Akashic Realm?
The purpose of your 1st reading is always to find out your soul’s origins and primary soul’s calling, to illuminate your soul’s brightest moments in time, where on Earth it lived in line with its soul’s calling, and get an overview of it’s journey through time. Additional 1-3 questions can be answered in a first reading, pertaining to your current situation (something that needs clarity or direction in your life, origin of major obstacle or illness, clarity on relationship.)
Subsequent readings may have multitudes of reasons, some of which are:
going in depth with 1 or 2 past lives to clarify something that is still influencing you today
asking Record Keepers for advice on any present situation in life
check on wellbeing of diseased loved ones, or ask them some questions
get advice from Angels and Ascended Masters
inquire if specific current relationships are past lives connections
(Please note that it is not possible to combine first overall reading with too many detailed questions in above section that should be done in subsequent readings. I simply cannot do a reading of this length and depth in one go, it requires a lot of energy. It is possible that after I receive all your questions, I would have to suggest to split a reading into two sessions. I evaluate that on individual basis.)
Can I inquire about my future?
A reading like that can be done, as Records of the future do exist. I believe there are some predestined points of future, related to destiny or Creator’s Plan - that HAVE TO and WILL come to pass; and there are many fluid points of future that may or may not come to pass. When I enter Records of the future, I will see most likely outcome as a result of who you are right now, and will pass on this information to you. I can also give an answer to: if I go down this road - what will happen? And if I go the other way - what will happen? (Evaluation of choices or crossroads.) Most likely, what I see - will come to be. However, people have ability to change, and if you undergo major mind shift between now and that point, some of the predictions may not come to pass. We have Free Will and CAN change approaching future. Do not blame this on the Seer. We can only see your future through the prism of your immediate present, your current state of mind. Consider this as a Disclaimer if you decide to have a Reading of the Future done.
Who can read the Records, are they open to anyone?
I believe that anyone can enter Akashic Realm and read the records for herself/ himself or others, if your intention is pure (do not harm anyone, do not lie, have best intentions in mind) and if you have Psychic ability to do so. There is other opinion however that Record Reading is possible only to selected few, people who are born Oracles. I disagree, because there is number of people who are not born an Oracle, and develop psychic abilities later in life.
What are the rules for reading for someone?
The person I do the reading for must give his/her permission for his records to be read and formulate his/ her questions.
I cannot enter Records asking about soul’s journey of your sister or your daughter. They have to give me permission. I can only read your Records for you. You can however ask questions about your sister or your daughter in your Reading and answers will be given that are related directly to you and your relationship with them. Sometimes answers are limited, sometimes extensive, depending on how much permission is given by Records Keepers to get a glimpse into Records of another person.
Can you read for children?
Generally reading should be done from 18 years old. I have done exceptions - readings for children of 16 and 17 years of age (with permission from both them and their parent). Record Keepers do not offer information for young children. However they do answer few general questions with regard to your children of any age, that would help you as a mother to raise them or understand them better. For example Record Keepers may give you information of your child soul’s origin (e.g. “You are raising a Sirian Starseed, and this is the advice…”) or “You child have certain talents you should allow them to develop…” Very little and very basic info is generally given, so these are questions that can be answered when it’s a Reading for You, but you have a question about your child within your own reading. You can ask if you have past lives connection with your child. The answer may or may not be given, it can be short or detailed, depending on Record Keepers view if that is very important.
How does it work? What is it you do to read someone’s records?
I take few days to a week to accumulate energy for a reading or group of readings. I do the reading alone, where I relax, close my eyes, enter into meditative state, declare Records for a person open with their full name, and enter the Upper Akashic Realm. I approach Record Keeper and ask all the questions. I speak aloud during this session, and everything I say - my questions and Record Keepers answers - are being captured on my recorder. When I feel that no more info will be given, I formally close Records for this person, come out of meditative state, type it from the recording and send it to a client in readable form. I do not send audio to clients. Your Records in readable form can be re-read by you years later and you will find new information or understanding that you initially missed.
Do you ever meet in person or on Zoom?
For a first general Reading - no. If you require subsequent readings and would prefer to see me, I can first enter your records, retrieve information, and then have 1 hour in person or on Zoom appointment with you. Cost for a Reading plus Zoom call is $195. Please email me to arrange, I will schedule it and give you Paypal link to make payment. annalanie@yahoo.com
Is it safe? Can you find out things I didn’t ask you about? Is it confidential?
The Reading is strictly confidential, as it is with your doctor or lawyer records. Your Reading will never be shown to anyone else. I cannot ask questions in the Realm that you did not ask me to inquire on. Sometimes Record Keepers give information, without my client or me asking a question about it. I always accept all given information and record everything. If Record Keepers volunteer unexpected information, it must be important to pass on.
What iF Records show that I was a terrible person in past lives and have done bad things?
I have never read records of this kind. Purpose of the Reading is to illuminate the soul, show it’s brightest moments and potential, it’s soul’s calling and what it have achieved. The purpose is encouragement, clarification of your path, pointing to a direction in life, showing amazing things you have achieved, contribution you have given to evolution of the Earth. If later Reading is required where main purpose is for example to uncover source of current illness or bad luck, and it turns out that it traces to one of few of past lives, where something unpleasant happened, even in this case past lives facts would be delivered gently and carefully. Record Keepers do not judge and have a lot of compassion. You will not be left feeling worse than before the Reading. Purpose of the Reading is to feel relieved from understanding what is going on or what happened, so that you gain clarity on present situation in life.
Where did you learn to read the Records?
6 years ago I went to a known Records Reader and she gave me a very brief general reading. I had many additional questions about my path and decided to have a “peep” at the Akashic Realm myself. I wasn’t sure if I can do it and whether I am allowed to be in the Realm. To my surprise, it was easy to enter the Realm and the first thing Record Keepers said to me was: “Welcome, you have finally came here. This Realm was available for you to enter from Birth. You may do readings for yourself or others. Always ask permission from a person, have no hidden agenda, do not harm, do not lie. You may ask your questions now.” That was pretty much it. It took me few years to become good at it through. I first did many readings for free for my friends, for the purpose of practice. When I gained experience, I was able to add it to my professional abilities. Thank you for trusting me to read your Records.
Testimonies of people who have received their Records:
Wow wow wow! So powerful 🙏🏻 thank you so so much.
Kirbi M
Omg 😱 Annie thank you. So much profound information for me to process and the timing could not have been more perfect. I am so blown away by your reading.
Juanita W
Oh my word, I am humbled by this reading, it Confirmed so much that I felt and gives amaaazing direction and healing.
When the time is right I would love to do my husband and daughters, my youngest has very powerful numbers and I know both of them have incredible journeys ahead.
Laricha VB
I have read latest Records again and again my mind is completely blown away‼️ Annie I really want to thank u for doing this. Ur gift is such a blessing to the world♥️ Everything in my Reading is just beautiful and informative and you give me so much hope for a beautiful future. U also guide me to think about things in my life now, to look through different eyes. And I realized that I actually have a wondeand amazing life‼️ Thank u for helping me see this🦋🦋🦋
Marina R
Thank you so much for the reading, Annie! I absolutely resonate with EVERYTHING that was brought forth. Let this healing journey begin! I value your time and the energy you put into my reading so much 🤗🤗🤗 EVERYONE should get a reading from you at some stage in their life (🤣 I know it is not for everyone, though). I believe the Universe sends us those who are meant to cross our path, and I would love to promote your business because you made such a wonderful difference in my life ❤️
Wanda T
Wow, so much resonance, I thank you deeply🙏🏼 Thank you so very much😊You've awakened so very much in me.
Chrisna VN
Dear Annie, thank you so much for illuminating my soul's journey for me. I am incredibly grateful for it. I finally feel strong enough to activate real change in my life. Thank you for helping me get there🪷
Jacqueline C
Hi there thanks so much I’m reading it now, and WOW!!! This is just so amazing thank you!! 🤩👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻I’m completely blown away, I can’t wait to do another one 👀🤣
Debbie F
Thank you...from the bottom of my heart...you are amazing...and I will eternally be greatful that you and your guidance were placed in my path....I have a long journey ahead of me, but so thankful for wonderful beings like you that can help illuminate the way. Have a wonderful night.😊🤍🙏
Christelle VR.
Dear Annie! Thank you so much for the Wonderful Akashic Reading. I'm going to be practicing Reiki Healing for other people. I have begun playing my Shamanic drum to do journeying. I have bought some paints and art paper for when I may have some time to get creative again. This Reading has been a Blessing to me, connecting me with my Souls higher purpose and meaning of life.
Love and Light, Cara.
Gosh, thank you so much for this. So perfectly timed, as I am having big questions as to what am I here to do on earth now, in this lifetime. This reading resonates so deeply with my bones and soul, helps give me a wider perspective and feels supportive for my path ahead. Thank you for being this channel of the records,
Many blessings, India.