My earlier painting “Medicine” - a tribute to Ayahuasca plant medicine
By now, I must have had attended over 25 Ayahuasca ceremonies over the 5 years. I have sat in ceremonies with other plants as well, but she remains my primary plant teacher that calls me into ceremony regularly.
What makes me come back? Profound healing I experience on so many levels, improved quality of life, health, emotional wellbeing and maturity, streamlining of goals and purpose in life, strong connection to the Creator/ Great Spirit of Life. Opening up of psychic vision and intuition.
Journeying with Ayahuasca was a life changing experience. For most people only one or few ceremonies are needed, then they take years to integrate. Ayahuasca ceremonies are a hard work, they are not some fun party trips. You don’t get addicted to that, and I never planned to have that many.
Not many people are being called to sit with medicine this many times. I am not saying this to make me look special or different. I just seem to be needing deeper healing. I seemed to be doing healing of all my ancestral lines on behalf of my whole family, down to 7 generations back. Grief, anger, fear, struggles of WWII, loss, illnesses, generational depression on several bloodlines. My mother’s and fathers early deaths from illnesses, being in my mother’s womb, trauma of birth, even some past lives issues. The plant kept calling me back, there was more work to be done.
Then, my voice have opened up. I started singing and writing medicine songs. I started singing Shipibo Icaros. I memorized about 10. The plant called me to the Jungle.
I am going with another friend, who have had similar journey and perhaps sat in even more ceremonies. She will probably serve medicine some day.
In the long run, I hope this experience would enrich my life as an artist and makes me even better intuitive healer through Akashic Records. And I get to see the Jungle, and perhaps even a jaguar.
I will be back with another blog post on my experince after return.